Increases accuracy and speed
Increases the production efficiency
Reinforces the safety of the production process
Increases accuracy and speed
Increases the production efficiency
Reinforces the safety of the production process
Increased product quality thanks to the accuracy
and repeatability of the operations
Reduction of movement time and
increase of production capacity
Improvement of corporate image
towards customers
Reduction of labour costs
Reduction of accidents at work
Reduction of waste and defects
With the application of innovative vision technologies, our robotic systems can achieve the highest standards of product handling with fast and efficient positioning.
With their consistent accuracy and reliability, these systems are suitable for multiple industries where it is necessary to reduce man-hours and operational costs.
Over the years, our robotic team specialists have worked for various industries. Their expertise with feasibility studies and project management guarantees prompt and effective consultative solutions.
The 3D vision system allows any manipulating robot to pick up objects and arrange them along a conveyor belt.
Grazie al credito di imposta 4.0 per gli investimenti in beni strumentali e l’innovazione tecnologica e la Nuova Sabatini, è possibile accedere ad un contributo a fondo perduto pari all’ammontare complessivo degli interessi calcolati al tasso annuo del 2,75% per gli investimenti ordinari e del 3,575% per investimenti in tecnologie Industria 4.0 su un piano convenzionale di ammortamento con rate semestrali e della durata di 5 anni.
Esempio di investimento | |
Valore imponibile investimento BENI MATERIALI | € 250.000,00 |
Valore imponibile investimento BENI IMMATERIALI | € 10.000,00 |
TOTALE INVESTIMENTO | € 260.000,00 |
Valore CREDITO D’IMPOSTA 4.0 BENI MATERIALI 50 % | € 125.000,00 |
Valore CREDITO D’IMPOSTA 4.0 BENI IMMAT. 20 % | € 2.000,00 |
Totale CREDITO D’IMPOSTA 4.0 | € 127.000,00 |
Contributo C/CAPITALE Nuova Sabatini 4.0 | € 25.230,00 |
Totale benefici Iper ammort. + Nuova Sabatini 4.0 | € 152.230,00 |
Beneficio fiscale ammortamento ordinario (100%) | € 62.400,00 |
Totale benefici | € 214.630,00 |
For further information and request for quote please contact us